Engage in a transformative dialogue that brings to light the preeminence of Jesus, as revealed in the profound passages of Hebrews 1
Setting the Stage (5 minutes)

Ground Rules: Explain the Socratic seminar method — participants ask questions and share insights, building upon each other's thoughts. Encourage open-mindedness, respect, and a willingness to explore different perspectives.
Seminar Objectives: Clarify the goals: to understand the supremacy of Christ as presented in Hebrews 1, to recognize our relationship with Him and His angels, and to personally and collectively testify to the Word's truth and relevance.
Introduction to Hebrews Chapter 1 (10 minutes)
Contextual Overview: Provide a brief background on the Book of Hebrews, emphasizing its themes and the importance of Chapter 1 in setting the stage for Christ's preeminence.
Reading Aloud: Read Hebrews 1:1-14 aloud as a group to ensure everyone is grounded in the text.
Socratic Discussion Rounds (60 minutes)
Round 1: Verses 1-4 (20 minutes)
Focus on the ways God has communicated through history and the significance of His final revelation through the Son.
Discuss the attributes and roles of the Son as described in these verses.
Round 2: Verses 5-14 (40 minutes)
Explore the distinctions between the Son and angels, referencing the Old Testament passages quoted in this section.
Encourage the sharing of insights on how this supremacy of Christ impacts our faith and understanding of God's plan.
Reflective Practice (15 minutes)
Personal Reflection: Participants spend a few minutes quietly reflecting on how the discussion and the text of Hebrews 1 speaks to their faith journey and understanding of God.
Group Sharing: A voluntary sharing session where individuals can express how the text has impacted them or how they see its truth manifesting in their lives or the world.
Closing (10 minutes)
Recap & Closing Thoughts: Summarize key insights gained from the seminar and any common themes that emerged.
Closing Prayer: Thank God for the insights gained and pray for continued growth in understanding His Word. Ask for the courage and wisdom to live out the truths discovered in Hebrews 1.
Homework: Encourage participants to continue reflecting on Hebrews 1 and to come next time prepared to discuss the next chapter or selected verses, further exploring the themes of Christ’s lordship and our relationship with Him.
Next Meeting Announcement: Confirm the date and time for the next Socratic seminar, encouraging participants to invite others who may be interested in joining this enriching discussion.
This agenda fosters a deep, participatory exploration of Hebrews Chapter 1, encouraging members to engage actively with the Scripture, ask probing questions, and share personal testimonies to the truth and power of God's Word in a conversational and respectful environment.