The Bible explains that it doesn't matter how far you go. Even those who were directly responsible for the death of our Savior—the Jews—heard the gravity of their sin, repented, and were baptized in the name of Yahshua, and were saved. This is real! Return to the Lord as instructed in Acts 2:37-38: repent for your sins and be baptized in the name of the Lord. Verse 39 speaks to becoming the dwelling place for the 'PROMISE'! This was the purpose of God's mission: to deliver us from sin by interceding for us, giving up His body, and in the process delivering His Holy Spirit through death to aid and assist God's people, instructing them in all ways and in all things, and to go before us to lead us in the ways of God. This is the New Covenant that we all have access to, and I invite all of you to participate in it today.
Additionally, 1 Corinthians 6:17 tells us, 'But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.' This profound union is akin to the intimate joining of husband and wife, as described in Genesis 2:24, where it is said that a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. In a similar spiritual mystery, through the free gift of God's Holy Spirit, we are invited to become one with God. This unity is our promise and our inheritance, illustrating the beautiful relationship described as Christ being the bridegroom and the Church His bride (Revelation 21:2). In accepting this free gift as described in the Scriptures, we partake in a divine communion, becoming co-heirs with Christ and partakers of eternal life.
A Prayer For My People
I dedicate my time today because that is the only time I have to offer to the Lord. If you are hearing this, please don't turn away; it contains many blessings for the reader. God has a message for you: repent and return to the Lord. Take the free gift you receive every day and use it to honor the Lord. Every day, we have that "day" to do the Lord’s work. Choose 'today' to get it done instead of 'later' or 'in the future' because without the now, neither exists. Take a moment to ask God to cleanse you in the blood of Yahshua Ha-Mashiach. This is the 'Free Gift,' a blessing we must not overlook or forget to embrace daily for clean spiritual living. I pray that this message finds fertile ground and cultivates eternal life for the readers in Christ’s Holy Name—Amen.
